Register 75 Seats Remaining
Let's Grow Akron presents a spring cooking demonstration hosted by Kenmore Branch Library. Zoom participation with a local chef. Food kits are available on a first-come first-served basis.
Register online, in person, or by phone at 330.745.6126.
This program, with a local chef, will be presented online in Zoom.
In this ongoing series, local chefs will prepare a budget-friendly, seasonal dish with fresh produce available at the Summit Lake Neighborhood Farmers' Market and/or Let's Grow Akron Community Farm Market. Details about these markets will be shared at each session and found on Let's Grow Akron's website:
Free food kits, including the ingredients needed to prepare the seasonal dish, will be available for pick up at the Kenmore Branch Library on a first-come-first-serve basis at noon on the day prior to the event.
The theme for this series of classes is local, seasonal eating. The benefits of cooking and eating produce grown locally and harvested in season will be emphasized. Seasonal produce is more readily available and is, therefore, more affordable at grocery stores or farmers' markets. Local produce is harvested closer to ripeness and travels a shorter distance from the farm to the grocery store, retaining more nutrients and reducing environmental impact. Purchasing from local growers and producers stimulates and strengthens the local economy. Seasonal produce grown and harvested locally has the best flavor!
Each class will include a 30-minute cooking demonstration plus 15 minutes for Q&A and 15 minutes to receive information about Let's Grow Akron Community Farm Market, Summit Lake Neighborhood Farmers' Market, and local farmers' market nutrition incentive programs.
AGE GROUP: | Adults |
EVENT TYPE: | Virtual Program | Food & Cooking |
TAGS: | Nutrition | local chefs | Health & Wellness | Food Equity | Food & Cooking | akron eats |
The Kenmore Branch Library is a center of neighborhood enrichment where people and resources come together for information, education, and entertainment. Computers and computer classes, WiFi, copiers, scanning and faxing are just a few of the popular services available at the Library; meeting space for non-profit groups and organizations is also in high-demand throughout the year.
Diverse programming--including storytime, NatureConnect, crafting, cooking, health and wellness, and more—engage participants of all ages who learn and create together. Kenmore Branch Library is your one-stop spot for news about local events, the latest in books, movies, and music, access to technology, and so much more.